Better Education & Fairer Funding As the father of four young children, I am fully committed to ensuring that the young people of South Suffolk are provided with the best possible start in life. Access to the highest standard of education is a crucial component of this goal. We are fortunate that we already have a great number of fantastic schools in our area.
Keep Sudbury Moving James Cartlidge has launched a campaign to ‘Keep Sudbury Moving’. The campaign has received significant press coverage and focuses on proposals to improve transport in and around Sudbury. In particular, James has been keen to make the case for a Sudbury Western Bypass and direct rail line from Sudbury to London.
UNESCO status for Lavenham James is campaigning for UNESCO World Heritage status for the historic village of Lavenham, alongside the Lavenham Forum. Lavenham is an important tourist destination with some stunning medieval, half-timbered cottages.